About Imani Focus Foundation

Charity Efforts Are For Happiness


My name is Harold Rhodes. I am an Elder at the Hoover Church Of Christ In Hoover Alabama. I am also a member of Tanzania Mission Board which oversees the work in Tanzania,  East Africa. This summer I had the pleasure of visiting Karatu East Africa as a Board member of Tanzania Mission. The mission involved visiting Preachers and their congratulations to observe the challenges they face in expanding The Kingdom in that area of the world. The highlight of the trip this past summer was my visit to Imani Focus Foundation, an Orphanage In Karatu. This orphanage is home to over 20 kids who have been rescued from some of the worst heartbreaking domestic violence experiences imaginable! Here are a couple examples:
Stella, an 8 year old whose mother was raped when she was 15 years old and this act impregnated her mother who was unable to provide physical care, and moral protection. Stella’s mother unable to provide support was destitute and turn their living space into a Brothal House. You can see the danger this could lead to for this precious child in such an environment.
Elisha is 12 years old and he and 4 year old brother was rescued from a desperate situation after the death of their mother. The boys father, an alcoholic remarried a woman who mistreated the boys violently and out of desperation ran away from home. This 12 year old took his brother and hid out in a dilapidated house living on hand outs from the neighborhood. Now they are in a loving environment with other kids who are cared for by a couple who are dedicated to providing support to each of the kids.
The purpose of this report is to bring attention to the current condition to the facility the orphans are living in. The facility is located in a flood zone! East Africa is known for its rainy season each year. Due to the location of this facility it is hit with flood waters every year. The flood waters penetrating the building causes the growth of black mold which creates a health issue for the kids. A tour of the facility revealed the large spots of mold in the bedrooms where the kids sleep. Mold can be seen on the walls along the floor boards as well as cracks in the foundation of the facility all caused by the flood waters.
The solution to this problem at the Imani Focus Foundation is to build a facility in a “no flood zone “. We are reaching out for help in raising $50,000.00 U.S. to purchase land and build a safe facility for this Orphanage. In reflection on this situation I am reminded of Scripture In James 1:27 “ pure and genuine religion in the site of God the Father means caring for orphans and Widows in their distress. Sisters and Brothers will you help with your prayers and finances with this great need in East Africa?
In Christ,
Harold Rhodes

What We Do

Create A Better Future

Education For Child

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Health Consultancy

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Safe Animals

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Replenish very seasons tears make forth kind in signs kind also unto i good forth it whose winged fifth fruit subdue rule their an gathering own saw whose god a unto
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Replenish very seasons tears make forth kind in signs kind also unto i good forth it whose winged fifth fruit subdue rule their an gathering own saw whose god a unto
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